Pelvic Floor Exercises | Tips to Strengthen Bladder Muscles
Bladder problems can be a sensitive topic to discuss, but they affect many people, especially as they age. While medications and medical procedures can help, there are some natural ways to improve an overactive bladder. Exercising and strengthening your bladder muscles can help manage urinary incontinence, and there are simple exercises you can do at home. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of bladder exercises and share tips on how to strengthen your bladder muscles.



Consistent Pelvic Floor Exercises
Bladder exercises, also called pelvic floor exercises, strengthen the muscles that control urination. These muscles are like a sling that supports the bladder and urethra. The exercises involve contracting and relaxing the pelvic floor muscles several times in a row. The key is to do them consistently, several times per day. You may not see results right away, but with regular practice of pelvic floor exercises, you may notice improvements in your bladder control within a few weeks.

Regular Physical Exercise
Exercise, in general, is an excellent way to maintain strong muscles and promote good health. Regular physical activity helps control weight, reduce stress, and improve circulation. In addition to pelvic floor exercises – aerobic exercises like walking, cycling, and swimming are especially helpful in promoting bladder health. Walking is an easy and accessible exercise that can help keep your muscles strong and prevent incontinence.

Healthy Diet Diet plays a critical role in bladder health. Eating a well-balanced diet that includes plenty of protein can help support strong muscles, including the ones that control the bladder. Protein-rich foods like meat, eggs, beans, and tofu are great options. It’s also important to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Good hydration helps flush out the bladder, reducing the risk of infection and improving bladder function. Adequate magnesium intake Magnesium is a mineral that plays a crucial role in relaxing muscles and promoting good sleep. It can also help relax the bladder muscles and prevent spasms leading to incontinence or frequent urination. You can find magnesium in foods like almonds, spinach, and avocado. If you’re not getting enough magnesium from your diet, you may opt for a magnesium supplement, but it’s always best to talk to your doctor first. Addressing the Correct Type of Incontinence There are several types of urinary incontinence – stress incontinence and urge incontinence being two of them. Stress incontinence occurs when there is pressure on the bladder, such as when you cough, sneeze, or exercise. On the other hand, urge incontinence occurs when there is a sudden and strong urge to urinate and the bladder muscle contracts involuntarily. While bladder or pelvic floor exercises are helpful for both types of incontinence, they may be more effective for stress incontinence. Yoga for Pelvic Floor Yoga is an excellent pelvic floor exercise that promotes relaxation and reduces stress. It’s also helpful for strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor. Many yoga poses, like the bridge, plank, and cat-cow, involve the pelvic floor muscles. Specific yoga poses like the malaasana, butterfly pose, and frog pose directly target the pelvic floor muscles and can help strengthen them. If you’re new to yoga or have any medical concerns, talk to your doctor before starting any new exercise routine.

In conclusion, bladder exercises are a simple and effective way to improve bladder control and prevent urinary incontinence. By doing them consistently, several times per day, and combining them with regular exercise, a balanced diet, and supplements like magnesium, you can strengthen your bladder muscles and prevent bladder problems. Remember to seek advice from your medical doctor before you start any new exercise routine. With patience and dedication, you can improve your bladder health and enjoy life without worrying about an overactive bladder. Contact Bladder Centers of America in Arizona to find relief from your overactive bladder.